Friday, November 25, 2016

Hacking Tools And Tips 2017


How To Hack and Break Someone Accounts Passwords - Most amazing Password Breaking Tools That Professional Hacker Used.

Password hashes:

Passwords Provide a security to Protect Your any types of Accounts and as well as devices that you used. Basically Passwords type in your computer or smartphones or laptops the operating systems of those devices will stored that passwords somewhere on the disc in the form of hashes.These hashes are not in clear text it means it change with some alphabets instead of your password it also change the lenght of your password in such unique string of characters means it encrypt your password. But to access these hashes root/sysadmin privilages are required. In windows OS(Operating System) these hashes are stored on the local disc in the SAM file, while in linux stores these hashes in /etc/shadow file. Hence to encrypt out the password out of these hashes the root access is required and therefore the password can only able to be cracked by this process only if the Os(operating system) can be in your control for some time or you can use the system by your own.

➋ Brute-force 

The brute-force attack is still one of the top most popular password cracking methods. Nevertheless, it is not only just for password cracking. Brute-force(Dictionary)attacks can also be used to discover hidden pages and content in a web application. This Brute force attack is basically “a hit and try” until you succeed. This attack sometimes takes longer time, but its success rate is more and higher. I will tell you some popular tools used in different scenarios for performing brute-force attack to get desired results.

➯ Air-crack ng

I am sure you already heard  about Aircrack-ng tool. This is a most popular wireless password-cracking tool available for free.This tool comes with WPA/WPA2-PSKWEP cracker and analysis tools to perform attack on WIFi 802.11. it  can be used for any NIC, which also supports raw monitoring mode.

It basically performs dictionary attacks against a wireless network to guessing the password. As you already know, success of the brute-force attack depends on the dictionary of passwords. The better and effective the password dictionary is the more likely it is that it will crack the password.

It is available for Linux and Windows platforms. It has also been ported to run on Android and iOS platforms. You can try on given platforms to see how this tool will works.

Download Aircrack-ng from the official site.  

➯ Cain and Abel

I am sure that you have already heard the name of this password-cracking tool. It can help in cracking various kind of passwords by performing Brute forcing(Dictonary) attacks, bucket attacks, and cryptanalysis attacks. Cryptanalysis(cryptanalist The Person who learn about Encryption and analysis techniques) attacks are done by using the rainbow tables.

It is worth to mention that some virus scanners detect it as malware. Avast, Quickheel Security and Microsoft Security Essentials report it as malware and block it in system. If it is in your system, you should first block those antivirus.

Its basic functions:

➻ Sniffing the network
➻ Cracking and analysing encrypted passwords using Dictionary
➻ Cryptanalysis attacks and Brute-Force.
➻ help to Recording VoIP conversations
➻ Decoding scrambled passwords
➻ Recovering wireless network keys
➻ Revealing password boxes
➻ Uncovering cached passwords
➻ Analyzing routing protocols.
The latest version of the tool has many features, and has added some sniffing to perform like Man in the Middle attacks.

Download Cain and Able from this 

❸ Online account hacking

Accounts can be hacked using online hacking software and tools that uses some information about the account and using that it can crack up the accounts. Online tools are pre-programmed to do so and can be the easiest way to hack and crack passwords if you are familiar with some of the information of account.Following are some of the best online hacking tools that you can use:


Many consider it to be the fastest and efficient online password hacking tool and is also free of cost and available for both Windows And Linux. It also supports password cracking in HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMB,Telnet and other types such as IMAP, Netbus, NNTP ,etc.Brutus is open source tool and is besest for doing online hacking of many types of accounts.


Probably the most of widely used online hacking tool that is capable of hacking web form authentication and when it is used with other tools like Tamper Data,it can become a most powerful and effective tool for cracking nearly every type of online password authentication mechanism.

❹ Password cracking Hardware

These are special type of machines that designed only to perform some type of operation to hack up the account and the data of the system when connected to it.These machines or these type of hardware is amazingly most powerful and can perform any task in about 1 million of time that general hardware may take.These hardware's can be available on rent for hacking accounts or systems. Some of the best password cracking hardware are:


These types of machines are simply a function of brute force computing power and these machines are basically used for cracking the passwords in very less and short time than that of general computers.The same can be done to network also and it can also access about network of one million machines.


These are application specific devices that can work about to hack any account or System.These machines can work faster and better than over 100 CPU working together.

❺ Hidden Softwares

Look like if you are using someone else Smartphone or Computer and your account was found to be hacked after some days but you remember to log out all the sessions on that system.You could be amazed to know that your login could be recorded on the Smartphone or Computer by some sort of Application Or Software that remains hidden to other people and can record their passwords and account data also. Here are some amazing software's that can do up the same trick:


Keyloggers is a popular and specifically designed software that can record the account logins and send it to a file at a particular location in your storage.That records contain the account passwords and their details  also.This software keylogger is very popular to hack the accounts if your device is used by others to access their accounts.


Same as software that also uses the recorded information like Keyloggers. This also is another popular software that is used to hack the accounts and details using hidden recording of the login password and details.

✒ Conclusion: Hacking  and cracking accounts and their password  is a no easy task even the professional hackers do fail sometimes to hack the accounts.Here in this article are the most accurate and easy and simple ways that are even used by pro hackers also.These ways are also mostly used ones to hack and cracks the accounts of almost any type.

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is cane and able can be only used on LAN..??

and can you please specify anything which can crack FB password.. and which could have higher chance rate of cracking it
