Monday, December 19, 2016

Top 9 Hacking Apps For An Android

This time we are going to some application for Hacking.

But Before that Lets Know What exactly Hacking is ?

Now will my definition is hacking is anything that try to get unauthorized access or manipulate the system. the intention could  be Good Or Bad. But We are Good Guys here Right? :P

➊ Cryptography

So lets start with something simple see if i want to send a secret message using a private channels like Gmail or Facebook or What's app etc.. And the way i use it ! see if i want to right down all the banking password in a plain-text, Now there is no way i can wright it on a paper in a plain-text right? #cryptography #android #app

so is there aa better way? so this cryptography is solution here. Basically what it does is you can enter plain-text(Simple text) and it will generate the cipher-text(Encryption). which is long strings of characters that doesn't make ant sense to anyone and than you can send it via Email or you can write down in a peace of paper. 

And to read that chiper text you need to decrypt or decod that cipher text. so you have to do is copy that code and paste in the text are so here same encryption code will generate the ciphertext to plaintext. though just to be on a safe side make sure you use  modded tool encryption so that no one in the middle tool can crack your code.

Download : Cryptography

➋ Pixelnot

Now if you are sending something in encrypted text everybody in between can see that you are up to something by looking at your cipher. But what you can send your message or password in a plain side and nobody will suspect it and the stenography is the to go about it than apps like "pixelnot" can hide your secret in side any picture or images. #pixelnot #Hacking #application #android

which you can password protect and send to the other party on whats app on Email. all they are going to see simple image but when they open it with pixelnot and enter the right password well there you have the secret text. kinda cool right? 

Download : PIXELNOT

➌ Drive-Droid 

Ok so Consider this situation One of your employee change the Computer password before going to leave, and now you are going to extract some of the important files but unfortunately you can not contact that person or lets say your computer has crashed and you want send important file to your friend or boss now in  this both cases what you can do is you boot into your computer and using a live CD and than Extract all the files Right??? #Drive-Droid #hacking @android #application

Well there is better way to do that using drive-droid. so it's a small android application which you can use as a live USB. all you have to do is download the small linux tool like "slitaz" which only 35mb and than mount in your smartphone, Now connect to your phone into pc or laptop using USB cable and than boot from it. And there you go over all it takes only 5 or 10 minutes to do everything. and you can boot into your computer in just use of android smartphone.

Download : Drive-Droid (root)

➍ Market-Helper

so How many time has this happen to you? when you are instaling a new application. But unfortunately it is either not available in your country or not supported your Device. well in the such cases the obvious solution to side load the apk. #market-helper #android #app #hack

But with market helper which does root require by the way you can spoof the device model, region or carrier and than you can go to play store and download the application right from your device. though just because you can change your device model number is doesn't necessary mean that every application run on your device.

Download : Market-Helper (root)


When You want to Run multiple Instance of the same Application like two whats app accounts, two Facebook accounts, or two Instagram accounts etc. Now in Some of the application has build in facilities to use multiple account at same time for instance Instagram. but some of the application this feature is not available for that you have o download this application, with parallel application you can do that. so the way that application works is quite and genius. its create an isolated environment and allow other instance or the same app to run inside in the same environment and sense you running the officially app on both side there also no risk of getting account ban.   

Download : Parallel Space


if you are into hacking or anything you have to install or use this application. But now what this application exactly do? well ORBOT is a torque Client which provide you anonymity on the web. If when you start the ORBot server and than continue Browsing on the surface everything looks normal but if you analysis it deeper than you notice your connection will connect with three or more server. overall nobody will change and know who you are?   

Download : ORBOT

Wi-fi Password Recovery

List of hacking app is incomplete if you don't talk about wi-fi and well wi-fi password recovery is a simple app that exactly what it name suggest that it recover your password. so unlike Windows Or Mac where you can directly see saved password and it will hide your wi-fi password in a system file,  #wifipasswordrecovery #hacking

which you can  only access if you have rooted device and apps like wifi password recovery will helps you to do that. so there is copy to clipboard option which is nice. But the problem is there is a tons of app in this application but again sense it free you can not complain much.
WPS-WPA Tester

Now i know what you wondering is that any android app that can hack wireless network? i Mean something that is actually works without password or anything and well it is kind of possible is your router has WPS enable which by the way turn on by default and most Bother to turn it off so that the case the chances of you can extract the wi-fi passwords. #Hacking #wireless #network #app

now i am not going in the much detail but here basically what's app like WPS version it try to gets it default WPS pin of the router and try to connect with router using that. i cannot demonstrate this application  on this blog. but i have tried in my home network and yes it actually works. 

Download : WPS-WPA Taster


Now finally we have mother of all hacking application called "zAnti". now have seen people asking questions like what is a different between cSploit, dSploit and zAnti? and now i found this all application has a same feature. all just matter of the interface and my opinion zANTI has a better one. so what exactly does it do? so well is can do couple of thing when you open this app it's scan for the all the devices on the network. so pick up one that you want to target and scan for the open ports of vulnerability. all the popular feature is man-in-middle attack it track what victim is browsing logged its images and even redirect to the different URL obviously its only work on the https website and yes i have tried on the home network and it works all of them and the most of the feature is basic you will need pretty advanced skill to know most out of this application .

Download : zANTI

so tell me which application is useful for you ? let me know in the comment section below. and please dont forget to subscribe this blog to get amazing new updates. and also you can follow me on Facebook, Twiteer, Instagram and YouTube. You can directly follow the Facebook page that is located at top right side bar.

---Thank you---
