Tuesday, November 15, 2016

USB Killer

Name and Work both are same.

Flash drive can do fry your computer’s innards in seconds.

A Russian Networking and  security expert has created a new, far more dangerous device USB stick, which doesn’t carry any virus and malware, but rather a deadly charge of power which can able fry any device with a USB port in a matter of seconds.

The USB Protection Shield is a device designed to allow testing of the USB Killer while protecting the host machine. Users can safely connect the shield device and test the USB Killer's output functionality.

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There are a lot of stupid things you can do with the USB ports on your computer. The bestest example is the Etherkiller, an RJ45 plug wired directly to a mains cable. 

Please Do not plug that into a router. USB is a small trickier, but with a sufficient numbers of caps, anyone can build an USB killer that will fry any computer laptops and even Smartphones.

There is two versions are available in the market of USB Killer.The USB Killer version2.0 is [Dark Purple]’s second latest version of this device. The first version(1.0) was just a small board with a DC converter, a few caps, and a FET. 

When plugged in to any of your computer, the converter would charge the caps up to -110V or 125v, dump that voltage into the USB signal wires, and it repeat the entire process until the computer died. 

This second version of USB killer is slightly more refined, and it now dumps -220V directly onto a USB signal wires. My Request to you Guys Please Do Not try this at home.

If You Want to Buy This Device(USB Killer) You can buy this device from the official website @www.usbkill.com Or you can also get it from any online stores. 

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1 comments so far

This is one of those things that we really want to exist, but I feel is a terrible thing to put out there. this is very amzing and cool bit of tech, and a lovely form factor!..What do you thing guys??
