Thursday, December 22, 2016

Netflix Twitter Account Hacked


Netflix Woke up to not so nice surprise after discovering it's official Twitter Account had been Compromised. A tweet reading  "Hey, it's OurMine, Don't worry  we are just testing your security contact us to tell me you more about that " which posted to the twitter account of netflix along with the group's email account "" . #netflix #Hacked #2016

Self dicribe white hacker group "OurMine" claim responsibility for the hack, posting that from the official Netflix Twitter account. Netflix remove tweet quickly after the hack  public and says "the compromise is limited to US tweeter account and has been resolved".

As per our mind they claim to want upgrade security for it's target by pointing out security flaws without explaining them. 

The Group also hacked into "Marvel Entertainment" official tweeter account as  well as verify account for some of marvel's most famous avengers including "Tony Stark" and "captain america". the messages posted on the account where the same or similar to the message posted to the official Netflix Tweeter Account. 

This isn't Ourmine first time hacking rodeo though. they have also taken credit for hacks on very high profile tech target including Facebook CEO "Mark Zuckerberg" and Google CEO "Sunder pichai".     
